Warning: This site is a historical artifact. My new blog is on Tumblr, because network effects. See you at the party!

Ethan Zuckerman wants you to eat your (news) vegetables — or at least have better information (Nieman Journalism Lab)

Ethan Zuckerman wants you to eat your (news) vegetables — or at least have better information (Nieman Journalism Lab) Interesting idea: if we can show people the “nutritiousness” of the media that they consume, would they change their consumption patterns for the better? He’s betting that they would, and points to the quantified self movement…

Don’t Call Yourself a Programmer (Patrick McKenzie)

Don’t Call Yourself a Programmer (Patrick McKenzie) Here is this article, written by a jaded but rich and successful programmer, trying to eradicate all the feel-good delusions we young people have about what it means to be a successful skilled professional. As an Audacious Young Person, I’m always inclined to roll my eyes a bit,…

The Case for Girls (Fast Company)

The Case for Girls (Fast Company) This article illuminates the fact that the world still prefers baby boys over girls (despite even governmental efforts to intervene). This is worrisome not only because it’s bad for women’s rights now, but it’s bad for everyone in the long term—all the frustrated men who can’t start families, businesses who…

The Bible of King James

The Bible of King James This was a beautifully written summary of the history and legacy of the King James Bible. Before reading this, I knew almost nothing about the King James Bible, and now I know that: It was the Ultimate Team Project, involving some 54 Latin scholars hailing from all kinds of lifestyles,…

The Social Graph is Neither (Maciej Ceglowski)

The Social Graph is Neither (Maciej Ceglowski) Maciej, founder of Pinboard.in (delicious.com alternative) is convinced that technology as it exists today cannot come anywhere close to accurately modeling the nuance, subtlety and complexity of human relationships. But the real question, he asks, is why would we want to model it anyway? He suspects that it…

How to Decide How to Design

Instead of going to sleep early to hopefully rectify my declining health/unreasonable sleep schedule situation, I’ve stayed up to make this: Please use responsibly. (View gigantic version here.)

Becoming vegetarian

“Why should eating be different from any of the other ethical realms of our lives? We were honest people who occasionally told lies, careful friends who sometimes acted clumsily. We were vegetarians who from time to time ate meat.” – Jonathan Safran Foer, Eating Animals Yang and I are attempting a little experiment. We are…

For the love of people

It is no secret that I love the Internet. I love it because it makes me laugh uncontrollably. I love it because it is a source of endless knowledge. But most of all, I love it for the shared experiences it provides. The most memorable times in my life have been shared with others. From my first…